Ph.D (Physics of Solid State), Department of Physics & Chemistry, Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute
M.Sc. (Mathematics), Department of Mechanics & Mathematics, Moscow State University
Klinger, E. Rabkin, Shape evolution by surface and interface diffusion with rigid body rotations, Acta Materialia59 (2011) 6691-6699
L. Klinger, E. Rabkin, Theory of Kirkendall effect during grain boundary interdiffusion, Acta Materialia59 (2011) 1389-1399
Klinger, E. Rabkin, Capillary-driven interdiffusion along interphase boundaries in solids, Philosophical Magazine 93 (2013) 2033-2043
Klinger, O. Kraft, E. Rabkin, A model of Kirkendall hollowing of core-shell nanowires and nanoparticles controlled by short-circuit diffusion, Acta Materialia 83 (2015) 180-186
Kosinova, O. Kovalenko, L. Klinger, E. Rabkin, Mechanisms of solid-state dewetting of thin Au films in different annealing atmospheres, Acta Materialia 83 (2015) 91-101
Gazit, L. Klinger, G. Richter, E. Rabkin, Formation of hollow gold-silver nanoparticles through the surface diffusion induced bulk intermixing, Acta mater. 117 (2016) 188-196
Diffusion, segregation and phase transformation in metal and alloys.
Point Defects, Grain- and Interface boundaries in solid.
Diffusion, structure relaxation and properties of nanocrystalline materials.
Interface phenomena.
A special interest is computer simulation of the physical phenomenon.
Mechanisms and kinetics of solid state dewetting of thin metal films on sapphire, Israel Science Foundation, Research grant 775/10.
Non-equilibrium defects and atomic transport in naostructured nickel. German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development, Research grant 1037-38.10.
Diffusion and mass transfer (Atomic theory random walk)
Thermodynamic and Kinetic interface boundaries in solid