Prof. Elissaios Stavrou
David Wang Auditorium, 3rd floor Dalia Meidan Bldg.
Pressure, as a fundamental thermodynamic variable, can substantially affect not only the structural and the electronic properties, but also the fundamental chemical bonding of elements and compounds.
In our group, Materials Under Extreme Conditions in MSE/GTIIT, we examine the high-pressure response of a plethora of materials and compounds, with emphasis on materials for energy applications. Using a suite of in-situ (i.e. under pressure) diffraction and spectroscopic techniques we elucidate both the structural and the bonding evolution under pressure.
In this talk, I will present our recent results on the structural, electronic and bonding evolution under pressure of selected main families of materials: a) Glasses, in which a deviation of the structural and chemical bonding evolution under pressure was observed in relation to their crystalline counterparts, b) Thermoelectric materials, revealing the interplay between pressure and structural and electronic properties, c) Alkali-metalcarbon nitride complexes, in which pressure alters the fundamental bonding motif resulting to extended solids and d)2D materials, in which pressure critically affects structural and electronic properties.
At the end, I will present our plans for future studies under pressure, with emphasis on materials for energy applications.
Host: Prof. Moshe Eizenberg
Technion: 14:30 Israel time, David Wang Auditorium, 3rd floor Dalia Maydan Bldg
GTIIT: 19:30 China time (Beijing Time), via Zoom