The X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory is equipped with modern equipment, which allows for advanced X-ray diffraction characterization of very different crystalline materials systems.
The Rigaku SmartLab 9 kW (Rigaku) high-resolution diffraction system represents the state of the art in fully automated modular XRD systems. The system incorporates a high-resolution theta/theta closed loop goniometer drive system, CBO, an in-plane scattering arm, a 9.0 kW rotating anode generator, and a fully automated optical system to make advanced measurements possible for both expert and novice users of the system. Both Parallel beam and Bragg- Brentano modes can be operated This diffractometer allows the investigation of preferred orientation, residual stress analysis, polycrystalline materials, and polycrystalline thin films as well as single crystalline films. With this system, it is also possible to perform rocking curve measurements in the sample-detector decoupled mode and to take diffraction profiles in grazing incidence. In addition, it is equipped with a capillary module for small amounts of powdered samples and a hot stage operated in various inert environments (up to 1100°C). Another available mode is X-ray reflectivity, which provides information on the thin film thicknesses, densities and surface roughness.
Types of samples that can be measured:
- Powders
- Thin films
- Bulk samples
Working modes:
- Powder diffraction
- Thin film analysis
- In-plane
- Rocking curve – crystal quality
- Pole figure – 3D texture analysis
- In-situ heating up to 1100°C, including powders
- Reflectivity measurements (XRR) of thin films for measuring thickness, roughness and density
- Transmission mode (capillaries)
- Residual stresses measurement
- Grazing angle – depth profile
- SAXS (reflection and transmission mode)
- Small area measurement 400µm, automated lateral scan mode
In addition the XRD lab is equipped with:
- ICDD data base program with the most updated data base of JCPDS cards
- Analysis software for data operation: Match!, PDXL, Global Fit , 3D Explore, Nano-Solver