Introduction to Knife Making: History, Regions and Modern. (Hebrew Language)

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אודיטוריום ע"ש דויד וואנג, בניין מידן, קומה 3

Mr. Dima Pesel

MNFU, Technion, Haifa Israel

Knife making is the process of manufacturing a knife by any one or a combination of processes: stock removal, forging to shape, welded lamination or investment cast.
In this seminar we will discuss the history and the modern knife making, focusing on materials, equipment and processes.
– History of tool making
– Materials (Metals, Steels, Composites….)
– Forging
– Stock Removal
– Future.
2006: B.Sc. Material Engineering & Physics, Technion, Haifa, Israel
2008 to present: partial time knife maker.
2013 to present: Senior Lithography Engineer, MNFU, Technion, Haifa Israel